Rebates & Custom Incentives

Though every business and project is unique, businesses of all eligible sectors and sizes can benefit from energy-efficient upgrades. That is why we offer incentives for projects that vary in size and business type. From major heating or cooling upgrades to small insulation projects, we have solutions that may help you save energy and money.

Available Rebates

Description Rebate Amount
Air conditioning units, 5 ton and above, packaged or split $1.38 – $212 (per ton capacity)
Heat pump units, 1 – 63 ton units, packaged or split $2.34 – $218 (per ton capacity)
Description Rebate Amount
Anti-sweat heater (ASH) controls (low temperature) $28.50 – $39.50 (per Linear Foot)
Anti-sweat heater (ASH) controls (medium temperature) $5 – $24 (per Linear Foot)
Description Rebate Amount
Circulating block heater: 37-199 kW undersized $158 – $498 (per each unit)
Circulating block heater: 200-799 kW undersized $87 (per each unit)
Description Rebate Amount
Gas dryer modulating valve $77 – $450 (per each unit)
Description Rebate Amount
Large heat pump water heater, ≥ 100 gal, replacing 100 gal nat. gas tank $22 – $142 (per kBtu/hr output capacity of HPWH)
Large heat pump water heater, ≥ 100 gal, replacing nat. gas boiler $21 – $142 (per kBtu/hr output capacity of HPWH)
Heat pump water heater, 50 gal, replacing 30 – 50 gal nat. gas tank or tankless $463 – $2,500 (per each HPWH)
Heat pump water heater, 65 gal, replacing 55 – 75 gal nat. gas tank $893 – $3,363 (per each HPWH)
Heat pump water heater, 80 gal, replacing 75 gal nat. gas tank $1,388 – $4,034 (per each HPWH)
Heat pump water heater, 50 gal, replacing 30 – 50 gal standard electric tank $865 – $1,343 (per each HPWH)
Heat pump water heater, 65 gal, replacing 60 gal heat pump water heater $149 – $768 (per each HPWH)
Heat pump water heater, 80 gal, replacing 75 gal heat pump water heater $148 – $892 (per each HPWH)
Description Rebate Amount
Hot water tank insulation, 2-in insulation, indoor, nat. gas $12 (per sqft of area installed)
Hot water tank insulation, 2-in insulation, outdoor, nat. gas $12 (per sqft of area installed)
Pipe and fitting insulation, 1-in thickness, hot water, outdoor, various pipe diameters and heating fuel sources $1 – $22 (per linear foot installed)
Pipe and fitting insulation, 1-in thickness, hot water, indoor, various pipe diameters and heating fuel sources $1 – $21 (per linear foot installed)
Pipe and fitting insulation, 1-in thickness, steam, indoor, various diameters $17 – $64 (per linear foot installed)
Pipe and fitting insulation, 1-in thickness, steam, outdoor, various diameters $17 – $64 (per linear foot installed)
Description Rebate Amount
Type B LED, mogul base lamps – various configurations $1.25 – $105 (per each bulb)
Description Rebate Amount
Pool cover, commercial, outdoor $1.48 – $2.11 (per sq ft)
Description Rebate Amount

Pool heater, indoor and outdoor, 84% efficiency

$0.50 – $2.00 per Cap kBtu/hr

Pool heater, indoor and outdoor, 94% efficiency

$1.00 – $4.00 per Cap kBtu/hr

Description Rebate Amount
≤ 1/12 hp – > 1/3 hp $399 (per each unit)
Description Rebate Amount
Vertical refrigeration case doors only, medium temperature, retrofit $56 – $123 (per Linear Foot)
Vertical refrigeration case, medium temperature $202 – $284 (per Linear Foot)
Vertical refrigeration case, low temperature $331 (per Linear Foot)
Description Rebate Amount
Software-controlled SRM, 1-15 hp, packaged unit fan motor $150 – $450 (per hp of fan motor)
Description Rebate Amount
VSD on HVAC fan controls $169 – $257 (per hp of motor)
VSD on central plant system $40 – $129 (per hp of motor)
VSD for HVAC units, packaged and split $17 – $180 (per ton capacity)
VSD for air compressor $11 – $156 (per hp of motor)

Custom Incentives

Our energy advisors are ready to help you take on custom energy efficiency projects. Get us involved early to maximize your incentives. Custom projects will be subject to an engineering review to ensure measures satisfy program requirements. Engineering assistance is available to all customers and trade professional partners upon request.

Financing Options

SD EnergyEdge offers multiple ways to finance your project, designed to help you save and do more at your business or facility.

On-Bill Financing

On-Bill Financing helps eligible customers pay for energy-efficiency retrofit projects with zero interest and zero penalty loans.

  • Loans range up to $100,000 per meter
  • Loan periods of up to 60 months
  • Loan repayment amount designed to be in line with the monthly energy savings from the upgrade
  • Energy bill shouldn’t increase due to equipment investment
  • Once loan is paid off, savings on your bill will be realized

Visit to learn more.

GoGreen Financing

Administered by the State of California and supported by the state’s investor-owned utilities, GoGreen Business offers attractive financing terms for energy efficiency improvements to businesses. Partnering with private lenders, GoGreen Business provides exceptional terms and quick approvals for your business upgrades. Visit to learn more.